Introduction to Glass Fusing

Three Weeks to Learn & Create

Taken this class before and need a Refresher with 3 new Projects?  Repeat and save 25% on this class! Contact us!

New Classes start every 6 weeks ( If you are on our interest list you will get a call first)
$140 Plus Glass for Each Project (About $15 for each project)
Two Firings Per Session are Included three Saturdays:

New Classes Starting in 2025

May/June 5/3, 5/17, 5/31

July/Aug 7/26, 8/9, 8/23

Every Other Saturday 1pm-4:00pm

New Classes start every 6 to 8 weeks. Register Below  Then Call 318-742-6555 to Schedule your dates.

Fusing is both a technical pursuit for artists and an artistic pursuit for technicians. Fusing is the fastest Growing segment of glass as an art medium. Introduction to Glass Fusing is designed for the novice who wants to learn the basics of creating kiln-formed glass as well as for the intermediate fuser who wants to improve their understanding of how glass changes in the kiln. Each week, we’ll spend some time discussing fusing theory and how to fire to achieve the desired results. Then we’ll move forward into cutting and assembling the weekly project using skills that were learned in that discussion. The photos
shown here are examples of your class projects. NOTE: It is not mandatory that you take the Cutting Skills Workshop 101, but you do need to be able to cut glass. The following is a basic outline of what will be covered in each of the three sessions

Register Here

Session 1

• What is Fusing?
• Compatibility
• Volume Control
• Coefficient of Expansion (COE)
• Warm Glass Processes
• Issues – Undesirable Outcomes
• Log Sheets
Week One Project: Full-fused two-layer plate/bowl (Scru

Session 2 Morning

• Review Of Session One
• Devitrification
• Striking Glass
• Reactions
• Stress in Glass
• Safety Equipment
• Tools and Other Stuff
• Safety Equipment
Week Two Project: Stack-n-Smoosh Plate

Session 3 Afternoon

• Run the Vitrigraph Kiln
• “Accessory” Glass
• Frit
• Cold Working Equipment
• Molds
• Maximize your molds
Week Three Project; Frit Flowers and Accessories

These classes are the first step towards learning many more advanced techniques. We have a
limited amount of space and can only accommodate 4 students.
Please read our Class Policy page.

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Always wear a Mask, safety glasses, and closed-to shoes to class. Safety glasses will be provided if you do not have them